Looking forwards: the IDFB post-Cali
With the close of COP16 in Cali, Colombia, the IDFB is looking to the future and is here to help support governments and stakeholders from the financial sector to mobilise finance for biodiversity and realise the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework.
For more information on the past and present work of the IDFB and its network, please consult the IDFB Information Slides. You can reach out to us for more information and to discuss possibilities for collaboration and supporting efforts surrounding finance for biodiversity. We look forward to engaging with you and accelerating action and cooperation on achieving the Goals and Targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework.
The 2024 IDFB dialogue sessions

The 2024 IDFB sessions took place in the run-up to COP16, providing a platform for discussion for resource mobilisation experts on key topics for the Global Biodiversity Framework. The IDFB also hosted and supported numerous biodiversity finance events at the COP itself – you can find information about these events and access the IDFB overview of the entire Nature Finance program of COP16 here.
IDFB 16, 17 and 18 were hosted in September and October 2024. The sessions focused on essential themes for the COP, including:
- Exploring challenges in mobilising private finance for biodiversity,
- Exchanging best practices for engaging the private financial sector in developing National Biodiversity Finance Plans (NBFPs),
- Sharing progress and actions for aligning all financial flows with nature goals,
- Unravelling what countries need to meet the GBFs resource mobilisation targets (Targets 14, 15, 18 and 19).
The IDFB & it's Mission
The global funding gap for biodiversity is estimated at $598-$824 billion annually. To address this, the financial sector must play a key role in achieving the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Countries like the Netherlands have demonstrated how to integrate biodiversity into financial flows and leverage public funding to attract private finance.
The Dutch Government, in collaboration with the government of the UK and the CBD Secretariat, established the Interface Dialogue Finance and Biodiversity (IDFB) to showcase best practices in greening the financial sector. The IDFB aims to facilitate dialogue between resource mobilisation experts and the private sector, helping countries align financial flows with – and ultimately implement – the Goals and Targets of the GBF.
The role of the IDFB

Aligning governments and financial institutions to foster momentum through the exchange of learnings and information on this topic.

Sharing of knowledge and experiences on policy development, tools, and data collection.

Collaborating on initiatives to strengthen the transition of the financial sector.

Helping countries access tools, best practices, and information for mobilising finance in line with the GBF.

Representing the topic of finance mobilisation in relevant forums.

"The goal of the IDFB is
to showcase best practices in
greening the financial sector. "
The IDFB mobilises Parties to the CBD and financial institutions to drive integration of biodiversity into financial decision-making. It supported countries on the alignment of financial flows with the Kunming-Montreal GBF ahead of COP15 and facilitated discussions on GBF implementation in preparation for COP16. The IDFB is open to governments and financial sector actors and held in an informal online or hybrid format.
Acting as a key platform for discussions and collaboration on global biodiversity financing efforts, it fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation to develop and implement effective financing solutions for biodiversity. The IDFB’s activities include policy development, tool creation, and capacity building, contributing significantly to the Global Biodiversity Framework.
Dive into the world of Finance & Biodiversity
Explore the intersection of finance and biodiversity with these three insightful papers exploring how we can align all financial flows with the targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework, use blended finance as a mechanism for mobilising private finance, and additional guidance for developing National Biodiversity Finance Plans (NBFPs).
Finance for Nature Positive:
Building a Working Model

Funded by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), and led by UNEP FI and the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation, this discussion paper intends to solicit feedback from the financial sector on a proposed Finance for Nature Positive working model, including definitions and associated practices. It aims to help operationalise the “Nature Positive” concept for the private financial sector.
Strategies to Scale-up Payments
for Ecosystem Services

Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) are receiving more and more attention from governments, private financial actors and knowledge institutes. Referenced specifically in Target 19d of the GBF as a means to increase financial resources for biodiversity conservation, they are a promising tool for achieving resource mobilisation targets. This paper explores strategies for scaling up PES.
A Budget for

This thought paper draws form lessons learned and experiences of various countries in utilising the BIOFIN methodology and applications of landscape finance approaches to develop their National Biodiversity Finance Plans (NBFPs). It offers practical insights and recommendations geared towards high-income countries for undertaking their own NBFP development processes.
Blended Finance for Nature

Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture following COP15 in Montreal, this paper outlines a blended finance approach to mobilise more private finance for biodiversity. It examines the unique local contexts of biodiversity investments and how international development finance can support domestic blended finance transactions in developing countries, highlighting challenges, solutions, and potential blended finance vehicles.
Finding Common Ground

This document synthesises key insights and ideas from the 2022 IDFB sessions, existing biodiversity and finance publications, and inputs from IDFB participants and Knowledge Partners. It provides a common definition of the Alignment of All Financial Flows with the Global Biodiversity Framework and provides 10 recommendations for its implementation at the national and international levels.

The 2022 Dialogue Sessions
Discover the insightful Dialogue Sessions, where experts, policymakers, and stakeholders unite to discuss the challenges of biodiversity finance. Throughout the 15 Dialogue Sessions leading up to COP15 in Montreal, discussions covered topics such as mobilising private finance, approaches and key actors for aligning financial flows with the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), peer-to-peer learning, and managing nature-related risks. This series facilitated crucial knowledge exchanges and collaborations, driving forward the agenda for sustainable finance.
Read about the outcomes and impacts of the 2022 Dialogue Sessions by exploring our meeting summaries or jump to the key take aways of the 2024 Dialogue Sessions to learn about the IDFBs work in the lead up to COP16!
Biodiversity Finance Resource Hub
This comprehensive resource centre provides essential reading materials and practical tools on topics across the realm of biodiversity finance. Our easy-to-navigate tables offer quick access to a diverse range of valuable resources. Here you will also find our most recent addition: the best practices for mobilising finance for nature. In this resource bank, you will find collections of examples of innovative finance mechanisms and solutions for biodiversity from around the world.

Contact us!
We’re excited to introduce the IDFB Helpline, designed to support Parties seeking practical guidance on aligning finance with biodiversity goals. This platform provides expert advice and solutions for mobilising finance to achieve nature goals at the national level. Whether you have questions or need suggestions, our network of leading organisations is here to assist!
For guidance on approaches to measuring financial flows or best practices for developing National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and National Biodiversity Finance Plans (NBFPs), please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to support your biodiversity and finance alignment goals.