The Interface Dialogue Finance & Biodiversity

GLF Climate: Frontiers of Change – How to Achieve Net-Zero

Humanity is facing a barrage of interconnected crises: climate change, conflict, hunger, high inflation, and an uneven recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Time is rapidly running out to tackle the climate crisis, which is set to leave half the world’s population dangerously exposed – but we can still prevent catastrophe if we act now.

Hosted digitally and in Sharm El-Sheikh alongside COP27, the GLF Climate hybrid conference will assess progress since COP26 and call for a just transition to a decarbonized economy.

Join us for a full day of plenaries, interactive sessions, launches and more, and learn from leading scientists, activists, indigenous leaders, financiers, youth, and policymakers as we piece together the climate puzzle.

Thematic areas include:

  • Restoring landscapes: We can’t fix climate change without bringing degraded landscapes back to life and protecting our natural environment.
  • Resilient and regenerative adaptation: It may be too late to prevent climate change, but we can still protect ourselves from its worse effects by building resilience.
  • Community finance and land rights: Indigenous Peoples and local communities must be at the heart of climate action, but they need funding and land rights that make that happen.
  • Social and environmental justice: There’s no climate justice without social justice. How can we protect the most vulnerable people from the effects of climate change?
  • Innovative climate finance solutions: Less than 3% of climate finance flows to small farmers and local communities. It’s time for financiers to rise to the challenge and green their portfolios.


Nov 11 2022


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Sharm el-Sheikh
Sharm el-Sheikh

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Global Landscapes Forum
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