The Interface Dialogue Finance & Biodiversity

Subregional capacity-building workshop on Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework for South Asia

The purpose of the workshop on Target 3 is to support Parties, indigenous peoples and local communities, and other stakeholders from South Asian countries to achieve their commitments under Target 3 and related targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, and to encourage the development of national priority actions that will facilitate effective implementation of the Target. The workshop will focus on the quantitative and qualitative elements of Target 3 and will serve as a platform for a dialogue on status, gaps, challenges and opportunities available to enhance progress towards the achievement of the Target. The workshop will also provide an opportunity for countries to learn about the activities and tools developed by the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, and other partners, to support implementation and achievement of Target 3.


Jul 29 2024 - Aug 01 2024


All Day


Kathmandu, Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal

