The Interface Dialogue Finance & Biodiversity

CFA Incubator Presentation 3: Mwenzi’s Nature Stewardship Bonds and Supporting Conservation through Microfinance with WWF & Kiva

Mwenzi’s Nature Stewardship Bonds

Conservation Capital – a pioneer in conservation finance – has developed an innovative system for aligning the financial interests of communities and nature-based enterprises through a shared ownership instrument – the Nature Stewardship Bond (NSB).  Mwenzi seeks to pilot and manage NSBs in Africa that can transform the relationships among communities and nature-based enterprises that rely on community conservation and sustainability initiatives.

Supporting Conservation through a WWFKiva collaboration on microfinance

This project explored the opportunities and challenges of facilitating access to microfinance for conservation-based enterprises in parts of Latin America.  WWF and Kiva will present some lessons learned from their study of this opportunity.

Register in advance for this meeting:


Sep 29 2022


11:00 - 13:00


Conservation Capital